Terms of service


Terms of Use

1. General

These Terms of Use concerns your access to and the use of the platform accessible through [https://smore.im](https://smore.im/) domain (the “Site”) and the services offered through the Site are provided by DODAMIND CORP. (hereinafter referred to as “us”, “we” or the “Company”), as well as any other media form, media channel, mobile website related, linked, or otherwise connected thereto. You agree that by accessing the Site, you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by all of these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with all of these terms of use, then you are expressly prohibited from using the site and you must discontinue use immediately.

The information provided on the Site is not intended for distribution to or use by any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation or which would subject us to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country. Accordingly, those persons who choose to access the Site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are solely responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable.

2. Access to the Services; Account Creation

a) Eligible individuals

Services are offered to individuals and companies, either conducting business activities on their own or acting as consumers. For purposes of these Terms of Use, ‘consumer’ shall be interpreted as any individual or company using the Services for a purpose other than to conduct a business or commercial activity. If you are creating an account for your company, you understand and agree that said company will be understood to be the owner of the Account and, hence, any contents created using the Services, and any data collected through the Services will be understood to belong to your company, unless otherwise agreed between you and your company. The Services are only addressed to individuals being fourteen (14) years of age or older. By filling out the registration forms and requesting into our Services, you warrant and represent that you have that legal age.

b) Account creation

In order to access the Services, you will need to register and create an account (the “Account”). To this end, you must provide true, current, complete, and accurate information, as requested during the registration process, that refers to you. You cannot sign up or otherwise create an account with us on behalf of a third party.

If you are an individual, you should create an Account using your personal email address.

If you are a company, you should create an Account using your work email address. You warrant and represent that you can legally enter into these Terms of Use on behalf of your company.

If you create an Account, you will be able to opt for any of the plans described on the Pricing page of Smore’s website. We may provide different plans offering different functionalities and features, and subject to different pricing conditions. Services definition may vary from time to time and further and more detailed information on the current features and functionalities of the Service is provided during the signup process.

Account ownership is based on the data provided when signing up and, to this end, it is important as mentioned above that all information you have submitted is true, accurate, current, and complete. You undertake to notify us any changes to the information submitted upon sign-up or thereafter so as to keep any information we may have in our records current and accurate. Note that when you are providing your information and accepting these Terms of Use, you are entering into an agreement with us which describes which are the obligations we have with regards to each other. If you have problems accessing or logging in into the Services, please visit our Help Center or contact us.

c) Provision of the Services

Once an Account has been successfully created, Services will be available and ready to use. Note, however, that access to and use of certain functionalities and Services are only available to certain plans and may be subject to payment requirements. We will provide any information in connection with the same in the Site. This section does not preclude your rights as a consumer under section 7 below—if you are using the Services as a consumer, you are entitled to cancel and withdraw from these Terms of Use and the Services under the terms and conditions detailed in that section.

3. Use of your Account and Services, and Your Contents

a) Account security and credentials

Accounts are to be used by you, and it is strictly forbidden to share or allow others to use it. You must keep credentials for your Account secured at all times. It is strictly forbidden to share said sets of data with any third parties, or to write them down for recovery purposes. Should you suspect that your Account or your credentials have been or are being used by a third party, or have been compromised, you must contact us immediately through our customer chat or email. Otherwise, we may attribute all use of your Account to you, and you agree to be responsible for all activities that occur under your Account.

b) Use of your Account and Services

You must use your Account and the Services complying with law and public order. In particular but without limitation, you shall not:

  • Access the Site, Accounts and/or the Services by any means other than through interfaces provided by us and as otherwise expressly authorized under these Terms of Use;
  • Use the Services as a hosting service or hosting system only;
  • Use the Services, or any responses or media within the Services to create web pages or for hosting or supporting online resources, or as a data repository;
  • Avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, impair, descramble or otherwise tamper the security measures, usage rules or other protection measures implemented by us, our service providers or any third parties to protect the Site, the Accounts or the Services, as well as the restricted features or functionalities available for given categories of Accounts other than the one you are holding, or to attempt to do any of those actions;
  • Access, tamper with, or use non-public areas of the Service or the Site, the computer systems of the Company, or the technical delivery systems of our providers;
  • Use any metatags or other hidden text or metadata in the Site or Services, as well as forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through the Service;
  • Use, display, mirror, or frame the Site or Services, any individual element within the Site or Service, the layout and design of any portion of the Service or the Site, or the intellectual property rights and other proprietary rights of the Company;
  • Attempt to access or search the Services or Site, or scrap or download content from the Services or Site, or otherwise use, upload content to, or create new links, reposts, or referrals in the Services or Site through the use of any engine, software, tool, agent, device or mechanism (including automated scripts, spiders, robots, crawlers, data mining tools or the like) other than the software and/or search agents provided by us or other generally available third party web browsers or search engines;
  • Reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble software used in connection with Smore forms, Site or Services;
  • Interfere with, or attempt to interfere with, the access of any user, host or network, including, without limitation, sending a virus, overloading, flooding, spamming, or mail-bombing the Services or the Site;
  • Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any commercial purpose any portion of the Site or the Services, or your access to or use of the Site or Services;
  • Impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity, as well as stalk or harass other users or third parties, or share or use offensive or pornographic materials;
  • Activities such as vulnerability scanning, load testing, penetration tests or bypassing our security measures in any intended way are strictly prohibited to be carried out on our platform without our previous written approval;
  • Use the Services and, in particular, the functionalities aimed at ensuring interaction of the Services and our product to monitor the availability, performance or functionality of our Services or the Site, or for benchmarking or other competitive purposes;
  • Collect credit card information (unless using the specific questions blocks provided by us), passwords or similar login credentials;
  • Send electronic communications that are not expressly requested or authorized by the recipients, or sending mass and/or repetitive electronic communications (spam). In this sense, you must not use the Services to send any communications in a way not permitted by or compliant with any applicable laws or industry standards, or to any recipient who has opted out, unsubscribed, or otherwise objected to receiving such messages from you or another party on whose behalf you may be mandated; or/and

Otherwise, use the Account, Site or Services in a manner contrary to the rights and legitimate interests of the Company or any other third party, or in any other manner that may tamper, disrupt, overload, or otherwise damage the Site or the Services.

For avoidance of doubt, you—or any third party authorized by you—may carry out any action that enables the Services to interoperate and communicate with a given software program, provided that any such integration has been developed by means of the public APIs and related products and services provided by us as part of our range of technical products for developer and integrator users. You understand that we do not control the use of any information collected by third parties—regardless of whether said collection of information took place in the past, is taking place in the present, or is intended to be carried out in the future—by means of said integrations and that further third parties’ terms and conditions may apply to your use of APIs. Therefore, you understand and agree that we shall not defend, indemnify, or hold you harmless for any and all costs or damages arising from those third party actions and integrations.

c) Usage limits

You shall only use the Services in full compliance with the conditions set forth in these Terms of Use and according to the contracted plan limits as described in the Pricing section of Smore, which include, among others, limitations to the number of features that can be used.

d) Materials available in the Services or the Site

The Site and the Services may include information, graphics, text, images, and other materials uploaded by other Account holders or third parties. Said materials are solely for your use in connection with the Site and Services, and their legality, accuracy, and completeness are the sole responsibility of the party that have uploaded them to or provided as part of the Site or the Services. Use of the materials may be subject to specific terms and conditions or license terms, and you are responsible to obtain any required licenses or authorizations, and to comply with any licenses or terms and conditions applicable to them.

e) Services and third-party service providers

To ensure you are provided with high-quality Services, from time to time we may rely on third party service providers. You understand that those providers act beyond our reasonable control and that we shall not be held liable for any damages caused by an action or omission attributable to them.

Also, you may decide to use third parties to process the information you may collect through the Services (e.g. by using webhooks). In all those cases, you acknowledge and agree that those third parties are beyond our reasonable control, and that we will not be liable for any damages arising from the use of said information by them, or in the event that you decide to transfer information to those third parties by using non-secured means (e.g. non-https transfer protocols). We recommend that you carefully review any terms and conditions governing the use of those third parties’ services and any integration tools they may offer before you start using their services. Note that the use of said services may result in the transmission of any kind of information (either confidential or having a personal nature, among others) outside our platform, and third parties not related to the Company may subsequently be gaining access to, modifying, or even deleting said information.

f) Your contents

We do not claim ownership on the contents you may upload or otherwise use in connection with the Site or Services. However, to ensure we can provide you with the Services or access to the Site, you grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable, non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, distribute, communicate and public perform or display (including, among others, the rights to broadcast and transmit), transform and modify, and/or adapt your contents in connection with the operation of the Site and/or the Services. This license is limited to the extent necessary to provide you with the Services only, and we shall not use your contents for any other purposes. You represent and warrant that you have the rights necessary to grant the license hereunder, and that your contents do not infringe the law or third party rights or interests.

Please note that by submitting content (photos or videos) into the Service, said contents are made publicly available to third parties. Please evaluate whether you want to share said content under those conditions before submitting them as part of the Services.

g) Third parties’ intellectual property & other proprietary rights

Without prejudice to section 3.b above, you accept not to upload into the Services or the Site, or post, email, transmit, share, or otherwise use, in conjunction with, or related in any manner with the Services or the Site, content for which you do not have the prior authorization of their titleholders. We are not responsible for said content nor the actions you may take with respect to the content, and you shall not use third party content unless you have first obtained the permission of its owner.

By way of example, you shall not use photographs, music, text, graphics, information, trademarks, trade names, or other content protected under intellectual property rights that are not yours, except when the corresponding owner has expressly given its approval. It is strictly forbidden to use the Services to circumvent the rights of any titleholder upon its intellectual property or other exclusive rights, such as, for instance, providing through the Services links to P2P platforms including infringing materials.

Notwithstanding section 11 below, we may delete at any time any content that breaches this section, without prior notice and accepting no liability for any such deletion.

h) Review of your contents

You acknowledge that, in order to ensure compliance with legal obligations, prevent phishing or fraud, or when unlawful content is reported to us, we may be required by third parties to review certain content submitted by you to determine whether it is illegal or whether it breaches these STC. We may at our sole discretion modify, prevent access to, delete, or refuse to display content that we believe violates the law or these STC. However, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to monitor or review any content submitted by you.

i) Obligations concerning Respondents

Your use of the Services may result in the collection and further processing and analysis by you of information belonging to third parties (the “Respondents”). Any contractual relationship existing with Respondents is entered into between you and them. You are fully responsible for meeting any applicable obligations when contacting Respondents and processing their data.

j) Collaboration with us

You undertake to comply with any instructions or recommendations given by us or by any individual acting on behalf of the Company in connection with the use of the Site, your Account, or the Services.

4. Payment Terms and Conditions

a. Payment

You agree to pay all charges or fees at the prices then in effect for your purchases, and you authorize us to charge your chosen payment provider for any such amounts upon making your purchase. We reserve the right to correct any errors or mistakes in pricing, even if we have already requested or received payment. We also reserve the right to refuse any order placed through the Site.

Payments are processed by means of a third party. Therefore, we have no access to payment information, nor subsequently store said piece of information. You must update the payment information provided to us from time to time, in order to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date. Should a payment not be processed because you fail to meet the obligations set forth in this section, your access to or use of the Services may be suspended or terminated. Therefore, you warrant and represent that you will only submit payment information that is valid, and that you are authorized to use.

b. Subscriptions

Billing cycles are monthly or annual, depending on what subscription plan you select when purchasing a Subscription. Your Subscription will automatically renew at the end of each billing cycle unless you cancel auto-renewal through your online account management page, or by contacting our customer support team. You consent to our charging your payment method on a recurring basis without requiring your prior approval for each recurring charge, until you notify us of your cancellation.

c. Cancellation

You may cancel auto-renewal on your subscription any time, in which case your subscription will continue until the end of that billing cycle before terminating. When you cancel your Subscription, you will be able to access the Service until the end of that billing cycle. Thereafter, you will no longer have access to the Service for that Subscription. Where you have no active Subscription, your account will downgrade to the free plan.

d. Refunds

All purchases are non-refundable. We will not refund any amount nor grant any credit for contracts that are cancelled before reaching their end date, unless you are canceling for any of the following reasons:

  • we have materially breached these Terms and failed to cure that breach within 30 days after you have so notified us in writing;
  • a refund is required by law; or
  • we, in our sole discretion, determine a refund is appropriate.

We will not grant a refund where you have used our Services, collected responses, and/or downloaded your responses unless the termination is due to our material, uncured breach or a refund is required by law.

If you have signed up for a new, paid subscription and reside in a country where a refund is required by law, you have a right to cancel your subscription within 14 calendar days. You must exercise this right of cancellation by sending us a written notice of cancellation via email to [contact@smore.im](mailto:contact@smore.im).

e. Price Changes We may change the fees charged to you for the Services at any time, provided that, for Subscriptions, the change will become effective only at the end of the then-current billing cycle of your Subscription. We will provide you with advance notice to review any change in fees. If you do not agree to the change in fees, you may cancel your Subscription before the change takes effect.

f. Taxes

The prices for the Services exclude VAT, sales taxes and any other taxes, as applicable. VAT is the value added tax that must be applied to the Services sold within certain territories and it may apply to you or not depending on several circumstances. We will calculate the fees and any applicable taxes and show that information to you before checkout.

5. Term

The Services shall be accessible from the moment the subscription process is finalized, and shall be available to you unless you terminate your Account through “My account". Paid plans are subject to a particular term, as selected by you when signing up for said Services, and shall automatically renew on monthly or annual periods, depending on the term contracted, unless you, at any time, decide to cancel their renewal in ‘Settings’ section. In any such cases, except if you decide to cancel your entire Account, the subscription you have paid for will run for the entire contracted term, and your Account will be downgraded to a free plan.

As mentioned above, you may terminate your Account at any time, and we reserve the right to terminate your Account under the conditions set forth in section 6 below. These Terms of Use apply as long as you have an Account through our Site, regardless of the type of Account you held at each moment.

This section shall not prevent the rights you have as a consumer in connection with the cancellation of, or withdrawal from, your Account. For further information please refer to section 7 below. The content will be made available to you and at your disposal at the end of the Term, but if you terminate your Account, everything will be deleted (including the content) as indicated in section 6.b below. For any personal data collected through the Service, please check the terms of the Data Processing Agreement to learn how data will be processed upon termination of the Services.

6. Suspension and termination of the Account

a)Termination or suspension by the Company

We are entitled to suspend your Account in the event that you provide us with untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete information when creating your Account, as well as when you fail to comply with these Terms of Use or other mandatory provisions by law. We shall have the right to modify, prevent access to, delete, or refuse to host, display or make available those contents that are believed to violate the law or these Terms of Use, either by the way in which said contents are used as analyzed on their own or by the way they interoperate with other contents, entities or people. Except for those cases in which the contents at issue could automatically trigger Company’s liability under applicable law or when it is necessary to act diligently to prevent harm to others, we will notify you in advance about its intention to act against said contents and give you reasonable time to respond and take any necessary actions. Upon occurrence of any of these, we will contact you and request you to remedy your breach of these Terms of Use.

We are entitled to terminate your Account in the event you fail to redress any Terms of Use breach in the non-extendable term of ten (10) calendar days from notification date. Additionally, your Account may be terminated in the event you substantially breach these Terms of Use, including without limitation any case in which the Account is used to commit fraud (e.g. to carry out phishing attacks) or willfully addressed to breach the law. Account termination may result in data loss.

We are entitled to terminate your Account, without any further prior notice, in the event that you, as a free plan user, do not access your Account on any occasion for an uninterrupted period of 24 (twenty- four) months. The purpose of this termination is ensuring that only active users use the Site and, therefore, that the Site works in a fast and effective way. You can prevent this from happening by accessing at any given time to your Account, and the 24-month timeframe will restart.

Finally, we may terminate your Account should you oppose the appointment of any sub-processor, as further detailed in our Privacy Policy. Please note that in all these cases you may lose all the information stored in your information stored in your Account, such as surveys and responses.

b) Termination by you

You may terminate your Account at any time by using the account termination option. If you terminate your Account you may still be able to access the Site, but you will not have access to the Services, features and content that are available to Account holders. Please note that this may result in data loss.

7. Withdrawal right

The Services are available upon completion of the signup process and creation of your Account (except for those functionalities subject to any of the subscription plans provided by us). By creating your Account and expressly requesting the Services, you waive to your withdrawal right, if applicable.

8. Social media and third party platforms

The Services may include functionality that allows you to access and post content to social media and third party platforms regarding your activities while using our Services. If you choose to use this functionality, we may:

a) have access to certain information that you make available through the social media or third-party platforms at issue, provided that the data has been made available to us under the terms and conditions and privacy policies set forth by said third parties; or

b) post status messages, notes, photos, videos and other materials to the applicable Social Media or third-party platform on your behalf.

Subject to all the applicable third parties’ terms and conditions and privacy policies, by connecting your Account with your account on a social media or third party platform, you grant us permission to access and use the information that you make available through the social media or third party platform at issue. To manage the information provided to us, please review the privacy settings applicable to your social media or third party platform accounts.

We are not liable for social media or third party platform contents, products, or services. We shall have no obligation to review their contents, services, or products. You shall review all terms of use, policies, and guidelines established from time to time in said social media or platforms, and you agree to be solely responsible and liable for any claims arising as a result of sharing or posting any content to or your activity in any social media or third party platforms.

9. Representations and warranties. Disclaimer of warranties and damages

In addition to any other representations and warranties included in these Terms of Use, we both warrant and represent that we have the full power and authority to enter into these Terms of Use, and that any approvals, consents and permissions, if any, have been obtained. In addition, you further warrant and represent that you will

(i) use the Services in accordance with the provisions of these Terms of Use as well as any reasonable instructions delivered by the Company—or by any of our authorized representatives— from time to time;

(ii) any contents or data used in connection with the Services will be uploaded, processed or otherwise used and acquired having obtained any necessary approvals, authorizations or licenses, and complying with any applicable laws, rules, regulations, directives and governmental requirements in the field of privacy, intellectual property and/or image rights; and

(iii) provide your reasonable cooperation in the event that we need any evidence to prove before competent authorities and/or courts about the satisfaction of the requirements or consents referred therein.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Site and the Services are provided “as is”, “with all faults” and “as available” and the entire risk of use and performance remains with you. The Company disclaims any representations, warranties, or conditions, express, or implied, or statutory, including, without limitation,

(i) the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement; and

(ii) that the Services and the Site will be available or provided on an uninterrupted, error-free, timely, or secure basis, will be free be error-free or free from viruses, worms, or other harmful or malicious components.

You may have additional rights under your local laws that these Terms of Use cannot supersede and, in any such cases, the Company’s liability is limited in accordance with and to the extent permissible under said local laws.

10. Limitation of liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will the Company be liable for any indirect, consequential, incidental, exemplary, punitive, or special damages, including without limitation any damages to or for loss of data, revenue, profits, goodwill, or other intangible losses arising from or relating to these Terms of Use, your Account, or the Services. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, this limitation will apply to all claims under all theories of law and equity.

Subject to sections 9 and 10 above, Company’s maximum, aggregate or cumulative liability to you, for direct damages or under these Terms of Use (including under sections 9 and 10 above or any other contractual obligations), tort (including negligence and statutory duty) or otherwise shall not exceed the total maximum amount equivalent to fees paid to the Company in the last twelve (12) months preceding the date in which the damage took place.

Limitation and/or exclusion of liability and warranties may be limited in certain jurisdictions. To the extent that the limitations and exclusions in sections 9, 10 and 11 cannot be enforced or are considered void or illegal, either in whole or in part, said sections shall be construed and enforced in the sense of limiting the scope, duration and/or extent of the liability and/or warranty provision at issue. Nothing in these Terms of Use shall be understood to limit or exclude your liability for the price owed in excess of any liability caps hereunder.

11. Indemnity

You shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Company from and against any and all losses, settlements, damages, liabilities, judgments, obligations, fines or sanctions, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) (collectively “Losses”), arising out of any claim, proceeding, demand, suit or action (collectively “Actions”) brought by a third party related to (a) your use of the Site or the Services, and activities occurring under your Account; (b) any violation of these Terms of Use; or (c) your violation of any other party’s rights or applicable law.

12. Amendments to the Terms of Use & Other notices.

We may modify these Terms of Use from time to time. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to make changes or modifications to these Terms of Use at any time and for any reason. We will alert you about any changes by updating the “Last updated” date of these Terms of Use, and you waive any right to receive specific notice of each such change. It is your responsibility to periodically review these Terms of Use to stay informed of updates. You will be subject to, and will be deemed to have been made aware of and to have accepted, the changes in any revised Terms of Use by your continued use of the Site after the date such revised Terms of Use are posted.

In the case of any substantial changes, we will provide you with reasonable prior written notice of, to be sent via email or in-product notifications. It is your responsibility to check those regularly to be informed about any said changes. If you do not agree to any amendments to the Terms of Use, you shall (as your sole remedy) stop using the Site and the Services. By continuing to use the Services or the Site, you are providing your agreement to be bound by the updated terms of the Terms of Use.

13. Modifications and updates of the Services

Due to the constant updates and changes made by the Company to improve the Services and ensure that you can use them in a seamless way and that the Services can interoperate with third-party platforms, we may add, alter, or remove functionalities from a Service at any time. Moreover, the Company may implement any updates to the Services (including security updates) which will be applicable to some or all users collectively at any time. Any modifications implemented hereunder will be applied for free.

14. Miscellaneous

The illegality, invalidity, nullity, or unenforceability of any of the sections of these Terms of Use will not affect the validity of its other provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect. Such sections are to be replaced or integrated into others that, in accordance with law, correspond to the objective of the substituted sections.

If, at any time, we fail to respond to a breach of these Terms of Use by you, that failure will not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. A waiver will only be binding on the Company if it is in writing and signed by the Company. These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and the Company with respect to your Account and the Services. Both you and the Company, warrant to each other that, in entering these Terms of Use , neither the Company nor you have relied on or will have any right or remedy based upon any statement, representation, warranty, or assurance other than those expressly stated in these Terms of Use.

The rights and obligations set forth in these Terms of Use (or, otherwise, of the Account) cannot be assigned to any third party without the prior written consent of the Company. Moreover, any decisions taken by the Company are final and binding.

You grant to the Company a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable, non-exclusive, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, modify or transform, distribute, communicate to the public, and otherwise exploit any suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations or other information or ideas provided by you or any third party on your behalf relating to the Services, Site, platform, deliverables, images or the software.

If you are a company, we may use your trade name and trademarks on our Site and any other promotional materials produced by us from time to time. To this extent, you grant to us a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use said intellectual property, it being understood, however, that we shall use said intellectual property in accordance with the industry standards.

The Services have a legal warranty period from its delivery. If an incident occurs in the contracted Services, you may communicate it to the Company by any of the means of support indicated in the following clause, and we will make a diagnosis of the incident, proceeding to its resolution.

These Terms of Use are drafted both in plain and legal jargon versions. In case of any discrepancies, the legal version included herein shall prevail and take precedence with respect to the plain version. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of these Terms of Use and the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, the Data Protection Agreement or any other terms included by reference into these Terms of Use, these Terms of Use shall take precedence.

15. Support, Contact and Complaints

You can contact us in case you have any doubts, comments or concerns by our contact email: [contact@smore.im](mailto:contact@smore.im)

Service Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions applicable to the use of the Services

The platform accessible through https://smore.im domain (the “Site”) and the services offered through the Site are provided by Doda Mind Corp. (hereinafter referred to as “us”, “we” or the “Company”), a South Korean entity with registered address at 7A, 175 Yeoksamro, Gangnamgu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (06247), and business registration number (585-81-02172). The Company conducts business under the ‘Smore’ trade name. You may contact us regarding Smore by sending an email at contact@smore.im.

  1. General

These Service Terms and Conditions (“STC”) govern the use of the services offered by us, consisting in the creation of online forms, the subsequent collection, storage and related information management, and any other services as may be offered by us from time to time (the “Services”). Terms of Use are included in this STC by reference.

In order to be able to use the Services, you will need to create an Account (as this term is further described in section 2.a below) and comply with other requirements set forth in these STC.

2. Access to the Services; Account Creation

a) Eligible individuals

Services are offered to individuals and companies, either conducting business activities on their own or acting as consumers. For purposes of these STC, ‘consumer’ shall be interpreted as any individual or company using the Services for a purpose other than to conduct a business or commercial activity. If you are creating an account for your company, you understand and agree that said company will be understood to be the owner of the Account and, hence, any contents created using the Services, and any data collected through the Services will be understood to belong to your company, unless otherwise agreed between you and your company. The Services are only addressed to individuals being fourteen (14) years of age or older. By filling out the registration forms and requesting into our Services, you warrant and represent that you have that legal age.

b) Account creation

In order to access the Services, you will need to register and create an account (the “Account”). To this end, you must provide true, current, complete, and accurate information, as requested during the registration process, that refers to you. You cannot sign up or otherwise create an account with us on behalf of a third party.

If you are an individual, you should create an Account using your personal email address.

If you are a company, you should create an Account using your work email address. You warrant and represent that you can legally enter into these STC on behalf of your company.

If you create an Account, you will be able to opt for any of the plans described on the Pricing page of Smore’s website. We may provide different plans offering different functionalities and features, and subject to different pricing conditions. Services definition may vary from time to time and further and more detailed information on the current features and functionalities of the Service is provided during the signup process.

Account ownership is based on the data provided when signing up and, to this end, it is important as mentioned above that all information you have submitted is true, accurate, current, and complete. You undertake to notify us any changes to the information submitted upon sign-up or thereafter so as to keep any information we may have in our records current and accurate. Note that when you are providing your information and accepting these STC, you are entering into an agreement with us which describes which are the obligations we have with regards to each other. If you have problems accessing or logging in into the Services, please visit our Help Center or contact us.

c) Provision of the Services

Once an Account has been successfully created, Services will be available and ready to use. Note, however, that access to and use of certain functionalities and Services are only available to certain plans and may be subject to payment requirements. We will provide any information in connection with the same in the Site. This section does not preclude your rights as a consumer under section 7 below—if you are using the Services as a consumer, you are entitled to cancel and withdraw from these STC and the Services under the terms and conditions detailed in that section.

3. Use of your Account and Services, and Your Contents

a) Account security and credentials

Accounts are to be used by you, and it is strictly forbidden to share or allow others to use it. You must keep credentials for your Account secured at all times. It is strictly forbidden to share said sets of data with any third parties, or to write them down for recovery purposes. Should you suspect that your Account or your credentials have been or are being used by a third party, or have been compromised, you must contact us immediately through our customer chat or email. Otherwise, we may attribute all use of your Account to you, and you agree to be responsible for all activities that occur under your Account.

b) Use of your Account and Services

You must use your Account and the Services complying with law and public order. In particular but without limitation, you shall not:

  • Access the Site, Accounts and/or the Services by any means other than through interfaces provided by us and as otherwise expressly authorized under these STC;
  • Use the Services as a hosting service or hosting system only;
  • Use the Services, or any responses or media within the Services to create web pages or for hosting or supporting online resources, or as a data repository;
  • Avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, impair, descramble or otherwise tamper the security measures, usage rules or other protection measures implemented by us, our service providers or any third parties to protect the Site, the Accounts or the Services, as well as the restricted features or functionalities available for given categories of Accounts other than the one you are holding, or to attempt to do any of those actions;
  • Access, tamper with, or use non-public areas of the Service or the Site, the computer systems of the Company, or the technical delivery systems of our providers;
  • Use any metatags or other hidden text or metadata in the Site or Services, as well as forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through the Service;
  • Use, display, mirror, or frame the Site or Services, any individual element within the Site or Service, the layout and design of any portion of the Service or the Site, or the intellectual property rights and other proprietary rights of the Company;
  • Attempt to access or search the Services or Site, or scrap or download content from the Services or Site, or otherwise use, upload content to, or create new links, reposts, or referrals in the Services or Site through the use of any engine, software, tool, agent, device or mechanism (including automated scripts, spiders, robots, crawlers, data mining tools or the like) other than the software and/or search agents provided by us or other generally available third party web browsers or search engines;
  • Reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble software used in connection with Smore forms, Site or Services;
  • Interfere with, or attempt to interfere with, the access of any user, host or network, including, without limitation, sending a virus, overloading, flooding, spamming, or mail-bombing the Services or the Site;
  • Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any commercial purpose any portion of the Site or the Services, or your access to or use of the Site or Services;
  • Impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity, as well as stalk or harass other users or third parties, or share or use offensive or pornographic materials;
  • Activities such as vulnerability scanning, load testing, penetration tests or bypassing our security measures in any intended way are strictly prohibited to be carried out on our platform without our previous written approval;
  • Use the Services and, in particular, the functionalities aimed at ensuring interaction of the Services and our product to monitor the availability, performance or functionality of our Services or the Site, or for benchmarking or other competitive purposes;
  • Collect credit card information (unless using the specific questions blocks provided by us), passwords or similar login credentials;
  • Send electronic communications that are not expressly requested or authorized by the recipients, or sending mass and/or repetitive electronic communications (spam). In this sense, you must not use the Services to send any communications in a way not permitted by or compliant with any applicable laws or industry standards, or to any recipient who has opted out, unsubscribed, or otherwise objected to receiving such messages from you or another party on whose behalf you may be mandated; or/and

Otherwise, use the Account, Site or Services in a manner contrary to the rights and legitimate interests of the Company or any other third party, or in any other manner that may tamper, disrupt, overload, or otherwise damage the Site or the Services.

For avoidance of doubt, you—or any third party authorized by you—may carry out any action that enables the Services to interoperate and communicate with a given software program, provided that any such integration has been developed by means of the public APIs and related products and services provided by us as part of our range of technical products for developer and integrator users. You understand that we do not control the use of any information collected by third parties—regardless of whether said collection of information took place in the past, is taking place in the present, or is intended to be carried out in the future—by means of said integrations and that further third parties’ terms and conditions may apply to your use of APIs. Therefore, you understand and agree that we shall not defend, indemnify, or hold you harmless for any and all costs or damages arising from those third party actions and integrations.

c) Usage limits

You shall only use the Services in full compliance with the conditions set forth in these STC and according to the contracted plan limits as described in the Pricing section of Smore, which include, among others, limitations to the number of features that can be used.

d) Materials available in the Services or the Site

The Site and the Services may include information, graphics, text, images, and other materials uploaded by other Account holders or third parties. Said materials are solely for your use in connection with the Site and Services, and their legality, accuracy, and completeness are the sole responsibility of the party that have uploaded them to or provided as part of the Site or the Services. Use of the materials may be subject to specific terms and conditions or license terms, and you are responsible to obtain any required licenses or authorizations, and to comply with any licenses or terms and conditions applicable to them.

e) Services and third-party service providers

To ensure you are provided with high-quality Services, from time to time we may rely on third party service providers. You understand that those providers act beyond our reasonable control and that we shall not be held liable for any damages caused by an action or omission attributable to them.

Also, you may decide to use third parties to process the information you may collect through the Services (e.g. by using webhooks). In all those cases, you acknowledge and agree that those third parties are beyond our reasonable control, and that we will not be liable for any damages arising from the use of said information by them, or in the event that you decide to transfer information to those third parties by using non-secured means (e.g. non-https transfer protocols). We recommend that you carefully review any terms and conditions governing the use of those third parties’ services and any integration tools they may offer before you start using their services. Note that the use of said services may result in the transmission of any kind of information (either confidential or having a personal nature, among others) outside our platform, and third parties not related to the Company may subsequently be gaining access to, modifying, or even deleting said information.

f) Your contents

We do not claim ownership on the contents you may upload or otherwise use in connection with the Site or Services. However, to ensure we can provide you with the Services or access to the Site, you grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable, non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, distribute, communicate and public perform or display (including, among others, the rights to broadcast and transmit), transform and modify, and/or adapt your contents in connection with the operation of the Site and/or the Services. This license is limited to the extent necessary to provide you with the Services only, and we shall not use your contents for any other purposes. You represent and warrant that you have the rights necessary to grant the license hereunder, and that your contents do not infringe the law or third party rights or interests.

Please note that by submitting content (photos or videos) into the Service, said contents are made publicly available to third parties. Please evaluate whether you want to share said content under those conditions before submitting them as part of the Services.

g) Third parties’ intellectual property & other proprietary rights

Without prejudice to section 3.b above, you accept not to upload into the Services or the Site, or post, email, transmit, share, or otherwise use, in conjunction with, or related in any manner with the Services or the Site, content for which you do not have the prior authorization of their titleholders. We are not responsible for said content nor the actions you may take with respect to the content, and you shall not use third party content unless you have first obtained the permission of its owner.

By way of example, you shall not use photographs, music, text, graphics, information, trademarks, trade names, or other content protected under intellectual property rights that are not yours, except when the corresponding owner has expressly given its approval. It is strictly forbidden to use the Services to circumvent the rights of any titleholder upon its intellectual property or other exclusive rights, such as, for instance, providing through the Services links to P2P platforms including infringing materials.

Notwithstanding section 11 below, we may delete at any time any content that breaches this section, without prior notice and accepting no liability for any such deletion.

h) Review of your contents

You acknowledge that, in order to ensure compliance with legal obligations, prevent phishing or fraud, or when unlawful content is reported to us, we may be required by third parties to review certain content submitted by you to determine whether it is illegal or whether it breaches these STC. We may at our sole discretion modify, prevent access to, delete, or refuse to display content that we believe violates the law or these STC. However, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to monitor or review any content submitted by you.

i) Obligations vis-à-vis Respondents

Your use of the Services may result in the collection and further processing and analysis by you of information belonging to third parties (the “Respondents”). Any contractual relationship existing with Respondents is entered into between you and them. You are fully responsible for meeting any applicable obligations when contacting Respondents and processing their data.

j) Collaboration with us

You undertake to comply with any instructions or recommendations given by us or by any individual acting on behalf of the Company in connection with the use of the Site, your Account, or the Services.

4. Fees and payments

Payment for the Services shall be subject to the Payment Terms and Conditions, which are included in these STC by reference.

5. Term

The Services shall be accessible from the moment the subscription process is finalized, and shall be available to you unless you terminate your Account through “My account". Paid plans are subject to a particular term, as selected by you when signing up for said Services, and shall automatically renew on monthly or annual periods, depending on the term contracted, unless you, at any time, decide to cancel their renewal in ‘Settings’ section. In any such cases, except if you decide to cancel your entire Account, the subscription you have paid for will run for the entire contracted term, and your Account will be downgraded to a free plan.

As mentioned above, you may terminate your Account at any time, and we reserve the right to terminate your Account under the conditions set forth in section 6 below. These STC apply as long as you have an Account through our Site, regardless of the type of Account you held at each moment.

This section shall not prevent the rights you have as a consumer in connection with the cancellation of, or withdrawal from, your Account. For further information please refer to section 7 below. The content will be made available to you and at your disposal at the end of the Term, but if you terminate your Account, everything will be deleted (including the content) as indicated in section 6.b below. For any personal data collected through the Service, please check the terms of the Data Processing Agreement to learn how data will be processed upon termination of the Services.

6. Suspension and termination of the Account

a)Termination or suspension by the Company

We are entitled to suspend your Account in the event that you provide us with untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete information when creating your Account, as well as when you fail to comply with these STC or other mandatory provisions by law. We shall have the right to modify, prevent access to, delete, or refuse to host, display or make available those contents that are believed to violate the law or these STC, either by the way in which said contents are used as analyzed on their own or by the way they interoperate with other contents, entities or people. Except for those cases in which the contents at issue could automatically trigger Company’s liability under applicable law or when it is necessary to act diligently to prevent harm to others, we will notify you in advance about its intention to act against said contents and give you reasonable time to respond and take any necessary actions. Upon occurrence of any of these, we will contact you and request you to remedy your breach of these STC.

We are entitled to terminate your Account in the event you fail to redress any STC breach in the non-extendable term of ten (10) calendar days from notification date. Additionally, your Account may be terminated in the event you substantially breach these STC, including without limitation any case in which the Account is used to commit fraud (e.g. to carry out phishing attacks) or willfully addressed to breach the law. Account termination may result in data loss.

We are entitled to terminate your Account, without any further prior notice, in the event that you, as a free plan user, do not access your Account on any occasion for an uninterrupted period of 24 (twenty- four) months. The purpose of this termination is ensuring that only active users use the Site and, therefore, that the Site works in a fast and effective way. You can prevent this from happening by accessing at any given time to your Account, and the 24-month timeframe will restart.

Finally, we may terminate your Account should you oppose the appointment of any sub-processor, as further detailed in our Privacy Policy. Please note that in all these cases you may lose all the information stored in your information stored in your Account, such as surveys and responses.

b) Termination by you

You may terminate your Account at any time by using the account termination option. If you terminate your Account you may still be able to access the Site, but you will not have access to the Services, features and content that are available to Account holders. Please note that this may result in data loss.

7. Cancellation of your subscription - withdrawal right

The Services are available upon completion of the signup process and creation of your Account (except for those functionalities subject to any of the subscription plans provided by us). By creating your Account and expressly requesting the Services, you waive to your withdrawal right, if applicable.

8. Social media and third party platforms

The Services may include functionality that allows you to access and post content to social media and third party platforms regarding your activities while using our Services. If you choose to use this functionality, we may:

a) have access to certain information that you make available through the social media or third-party platforms at issue, provided that the data has been made available to us under the terms and conditions and privacy policies set forth by said third parties; or

b) post-status messages, notes, photos, videos and other materials to the applicable Social Media or third-party platform on your behalf.

Subject to all the applicable third parties’ terms and conditions and privacy policies, by connecting your Account with your account on a social media or third party platform, you grant us permission to access and use the information that you make available through the social media or third party platform at issue. To manage the information provided to us, please review the privacy settings applicable to your social media or third party platform accounts.

We are not liable for social media or third party platform contents, products, or services. We shall have no obligation to review their contents, services, or products. You shall review all terms of use, policies, and guidelines established from time to time in said social media or platforms, and you agree to be solely responsible and liable for any claims arising as a result of sharing or posting any content to or your activity in any social media or third party platforms.

9. Representations and warranties. Disclaimer of warranties and damages

In addition to any other representations and warranties included in these STC, we both warrant and represent that we have the full power and authority to enter into these STCs, and that any approvals, consents and permissions, if any, have been obtained. In addition, you further warrant and represent that you will

(i) use the Services in accordance with the provisions of these STC as well as any reasonable instructions delivered by the Company—or by any of our authorized representatives— from time to time;

(ii) any contents or data used in connection with the Services will be uploaded, processed or otherwise used and acquired having obtained any necessary approvals, authorizations or licenses, and complying with any applicable laws, rules, regulations, directives and governmental requirements in the field of privacy, intellectual property and/or image rights; and

(iii) provide your reasonable cooperation in the event that we need any evidence to prove before competent authorities and/or courts about the satisfaction of the requirements or consents referred therein.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Site and the Services are provided “as is”, “with all faults” and “as available” and the entire risk of use and performance remains with you. The Company disclaims any representations, warranties, or conditions, express, or implied, or statutory, including, without limitation,

(i) the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement; and

(ii) that the Services and the Site will be available or provided on an uninterrupted, error-free, timely, or secure basis, will be free be error-free or free from viruses, worms, or other harmful or malicious components.

You may have additional rights under your local laws that these STC cannot supersede and, in any such cases, the Company’s liability is limited in accordance with and to the extent permissible under said local laws.

10. Limitation of liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will the Company be liable for any indirect, consequential, incidental, exemplary, punitive, or special damages, including without limitation any damages to or for loss of data, revenue, profits, goodwill, or other intangible losses arising from or relating to these STC, your Account, or the Services. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, this limitation will apply to all claims under all theories of law and equity.

Subject to sections 9 and 10 above, Company’s maximum, aggregate or cumulative liability to you, for direct damages or under these STC (including under sections 9 and 10 above or any other contractual obligations), tort (including negligence and statutory duty) or otherwise shall not exceed the total maximum amount equivalent to fees paid to the Company in the last twelve (12) months preceding the date in which the damage took place.

Limitation and/or exclusion of liability and warranties may be limited in certain jurisdictions. To the extent that the limitations and exclusions in sections 9, 10 and 11 cannot be enforced or are considered void or illegal, either in whole or in part, said sections shall be construed and enforced in the sense of limiting the scope, duration and/or extent of the liability and/or warranty provision at issue. Nothing in these STC shall be understood to limit or exclude your liability for the price owed in excess of any liability caps hereunder.

11. Indemnity

You shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Company from and against any and all losses, settlements, damages, liabilities, judgements, obligations, fines or sanctions, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) (collectively “Losses”), arising out of any claim, proceeding, demand, suit or action (collectively “Actions”) brought by a third party related to (a) your use of the Site or the Services, and activities occurring under your Account; (b) any violation of these STC; or (c) your violation of any other party’s rights or applicable law.

12. Amendments to the STC. Other notices.

We may modify these STC from time to time. We will provide you with reasonable prior written notice of any substantial change, to be sent via email or in-product notifications. If you do not agree to any amendments to the STC, you shall (as your sole remedy) stop using the Site and the Services. By continuing to use the Services or the Site, you are providing your agreement to be bound by the updated terms of the STC.

We may notify you about any topic related to this contract via email or in-product notifications. It is your responsibility to check those regularly to be informed about any said changes.

13. Modifications and updates of the Services

Due to the constant updates and changes made by the Company to improve the Services and ensure that you can use them in a seamless way and that the Services can interoperate with third-party platforms, we may add, alter, or remove functionalities from a Service at any time. Moreover, the Company may implement any updates to the Services (including security updates) which will be applicable to some or all users collectively at any time. Any modifications implemented hereunder will be applied for free.

14. Miscellaneous

The illegality, invalidity, nullity, or unenforceability of any of the sections of these STC will not affect the validity of its other provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect. Such sections are to be replaced or integrated into others that, in accordance with law, correspond to the objective of the substituted sections.

If, at any time, we fail to respond to a breach of these STC by you, that failure will not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. A waiver will only be binding on the Company if it is in writing and signed by the Company. These STC constitute the entire agreement between you and the Company with respect to your Account and the Services. Both you and the Company, warrant to each other that, in entering these STC, neither the Company nor you have relied on or will have any right or remedy based upon any statement, representation, warranty, or assurance other than those expressly stated in these STC.

The rights and obligations set forth in these STC (or, otherwise, of the Account) cannot be assigned to any third party without the prior written consent of the Company. Moreover, any decisions taken by the Company are final and binding.

You grant to the Company a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable, non-exclusive, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, modify or transform, distribute, communicate to the public, and otherwise exploit any suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations or other information or ideas provided by you or any third party on your behalf relating to the Services, Site, platform, deliverables, images or the software.

If you are a company, we may use your trade name and trademarks on our Site and any other promotional materials produced by us from time to time. To this extent, you grant to us a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use said intellectual property, it being understood, however, that we shall use said intellectual property in accordance with the industry standards.

The Services have a legal warranty period from its delivery. If an incident occurs in the contracted Services, you may communicate it to the Company by any of the means of support indicated in the following clause, and we will make a diagnosis of the incident, proceeding to its resolution.

These STC are drafted both in plain and legal jargon versions. In case of any discrepancies, the legal version included herein shall prevail and take precedence with respect to the plain version. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of these STC and the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, the Data Protection Agreement or any other terms included by reference into these STCs, the terms of the STCs shall take precedence.

15. Support, Contact and Complaints

You can contact us in case you have any doubts, comments or concerns by our contact email: contact@smore.im

16. Applicable law and jurisdiction

a. General

These STC shall be governed and construed in accordance with South Korean law, without reference to its conflict of law provisions. Any dispute that may arise from or in connection to us and/or the Site or the Services shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

b. Consumers

If you are acting as a consumer, these STC shall be governed and construed in accordance with South Korean law, but this shall not prevent the application of those mandatory rights you are entitled to under your applicable law. The courts in Seoul, South Korea, shall have no exclusive jurisdiction in connection with any claim brought by you against the Company.