이번 아티클은


Check how to change your login information and delete your account.

Email Address change

[Settings] - [Email Address] - Enter the new email address you want to change to.

If you signed up with a Google or Microsoft account, you cannot change your email address.


[Settings] - [Password] - Enter the new password you want to change to.

If you signed up with a Google or Microsoft account, you cannot change your password.

Delete Account

Do you want to delete your Smore account?

Before deleting your account, please check the instructions below!

1️⃣ If you are subscribed to a paid plan, you can delete after the paid plan expires.

2️⃣ You must delete all contents you created to delete your account.

3️⃣ You can sign up again after deleting your account, but your previous account information will not be restored. 

How to delete: [Settings] - [Delete Account] - Choose the reason for deleting the account

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