이번 아티클은

Get Started

We’ll cover the basics of Smore, the way to talk to your customers.

Welcome to Smore

Dear friend, take a seat on this log next to the fire! Let’s toast some marshmallows. 

Smore was created to empower brands who value genuine communication and authentic relationships. Our mission is to create friendship between brands and customers. To build this deep connection, brands must listen to their customers better, understand better, and act better. 

That’s why Smore is not your average form builder. Smore is about an interactive conversation that leads to deeper understanding. We’ve built the perfect collection of features that help you engage your customers, gift them an enjoyable experience and gather key insights. 

Smore forms can fit every need you have, from feedback surveys and registration forms to interactive quizzes and marketing contents. Everything is seamlessly connected so you can build, publish and analyze on a single platform. 

Smore is the ultimate CRM that you need. 

Smore’s core values:

  1. Build interactive forms completely no-code, and talk to as many customers as you want for free. 
  2. Choose from templates tailor-built to every use case. Click a few buttons to have a finished form ready to go. 
  3. Engage your audience with an immersive, interactive interface and boost your data collection volume. 
  4. Customize the interface and embed your brand identity into the forms.
  5. Map out a responsive experience with logic jumps.
  6. Optimize the forms with drop-off rate and marketing insights using our in-app analytics dashboard.
  7. Automate the entire process from response collection to data management, and maximize your productivity. 

Create An Account

To get started, you first need to create an account. You can sign up quickly with your Google or Microsoft account, or sign up using your email address.

If you sign up with email, you can change your email address later. 
If you sign up using your Google or Microsoft account, you can’t change your email address.

(-> Sign Up Free)

Dashboard Walkthrough

Before we start building a fantastic and fun form, let’s take a look at the dashboard. 

Quick Options

Where can I find quick options? 

Each card has a small arrow on the bottom. Clicking on the arrow will open up the quick options menu. You can also right click the card to open the menu.

1. View

Opens up your form in a pop-up. You can go through your form right away and check in advance what respondents will see.

2. Edit

It opens the form in the editor. 

3. Copy Link

You can copy the shareable link to your form. Paste the link anywhere to share it! 

4. Analytics

Moves to the analytics dashboard for the form. 

👉Curious about the Response & Analytics page? : Check Response Data

5. Clone

You can create a clone of your selected content. A clone with ‘(copy)’ added to the end of the original content’s title will be added to your dashboard.

  • Response data will not be copied when cloning a content.
  • The clone’s content link and QR code will be different from those of the original.

6. Time Travel

You can check all versions of your selected content saved for the last 21 days.

  • With the Save Button, you can save a clone of your wanted version of the content. This is useful when you want to compare which of the two content drafts is better.
  • With the Return Button, you can restore to your wanted version of the content. This is useful when you want to completely return to a previous version of the content.

7. Copy to Another Account

You can send a clone of your selected content to your different Smore account. Enter the email address of the account you want to send to and click the [Send] button.

  • Response data will not be copied and sent when sending the clone.
  • The sent clone’s content link and QR code will be different from those of the original.

8. Make Translation

You can make a translation of your selection content. Currently, Smore supports Japanese / Chinese (Traditional) / Chinese (Simplified) / English / French / Spanish / Russian / German / Thai.

How to make translation

  1. On your Smore dashboard, click the small arrow on the bottom of the content you want to create a translation for.
  2. Click the ‘Make Translation’ button and choose the language of the translation
  3. Check the translation newly added to your Smore dashboard.
  4. For translated content, a language setting button is added to the top right of the cover page!

System language such as Analyzing, Retake Quiz, Share with friends are translated in the translation. You must change the other text yourself!

For translation-made contents, Smore recognizes the user’s device language environment and automatically exports the appropriate language. Therefore, you don’t have to distribute each content link separately 👍.

If a respondent whose language is not supported by Smore translation comes in, the default language set for the content will be shown to the respondent.

Example) Content created in Korean and translated in English afterwards

(*Based on user’s device language environment)

  • For Korean-using respondents, Korean content is automatically shown.
  • For English-using respondents, English translation is automatically shown. 
  • For Japanese-using respondents, Korean content is automatically shown.

9. Delete

You can delete your selected content and the content’s response data. Please note that deleted content can NEVER be recovered!

1:1 Chat

Do you have any feature suggestions or additional questions for Smore? You can resolve all of them by starting a chat through our 1:1 Inquiry.

1:1 Chat Hours

Weekdays 09:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 18:00 (PST)

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