이번 아티클은

Share with Link

Share your content quickly and easily with links. You can use the default link given to the content, or customize the link with your own text.

Share your content quickly and easily with links. You can use the default link given to the content, or customize the link with your own text.

Default link

You can copy the link of your content in three ways. Just paste the copied link wherever you want to share the content and you’re done!

  • Top right of the editing screen
  • [Publishing] tab - [Preview & Save] section - [Link]

  • [Dashboard] - [Arrow button on the bottom of your content card] - [Copy Link]

Customize link is available when subscribing to Premium Plan.

With the Customize link in the [Publishing] tab, you can create a customized link just for your brand. Feel free to add your brand name or any phrase you want into the customized link.

However, URL does not support Korean and consists only of English and numbers. Therefore, if you add Korean in the custom link, the entered Korean will be automatically converted to English and numbers, making your link extremely long. Please create your customized link in English and numbers as much as possible!

❔What’s the benefit of including a brand name in a link?

Branded links can further increase brand awareness because the brand name is also shared when the link is shared. Customers who encounter the link will have confidence that they will be connected to quality content created by the company, thus leading to better participation.

Custom Domain

Customize Domain is available when subscribing to Premium Plan.

Customize Domain

1. Go to [Publishing] - [Link Settings] - [Customize Domain]

2. Select your registered domain in the list and enter the URL slug.

3. Once done, you can find the customized domain you registered in the [Link’ at the top right of the dashboard

⚠️ To use the Customize Domain function, you must first register a domain to your account. If “No registered domains” message is shown, please follow the below guide to register a domain.

   1. Click the [Settings] button at the top right or bottom left of the dashboard.

   2. Go to the [Domain Management] menu in the settings page.

   3. Click the [+ Add Domain] button.

   4. Enter the domain you want to register and click the [+ Add Domain] button


1. Find the domain you want to use and click “DNS” -> “Records” in the settings left sidebar. Then, click the “+ Add record” blue button.

2. DNS management

2-1. If using Domain(example.com)

  1. Choose CNAME in “Type”
  2. Input @ into “Name (required)”
  3. Input custom-domain.smore.im.into “Target (required)”
  4. Switch off “Proxy status”
  5. Click the [Save] button

2-2. If using Subdomain (survey.example.com)

  1. Choose CNAME in “Type”
  2. Input the name of the subdomain into “Name (required)” (e.g. If using survey.example.com, input survey)
  3. Input custom-domain.smore.im. into “Target (required)”
  4. Switch off “Proxy status”
  5. Click the [Save] button

3. Setting Completed

⚠️ If you can’t find your domain in the [Domain Management] menu after registering the domain, please check the following details.

1. Go to [Settings] - [Domain Management].

2. If you see an orange circle in the [Domain Management] menu, it means the domain registration is still in progress. Please wait a moment and try connecting your custom domain again.

3. If the domain registration is completed, a green circle will appear.

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