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Are you curious about detailed information about responses such as funnel, country, number of shares, number of CTA button clicks, and more? Check indicators through Snapshot and gain a detailed understanding of users who are interested in your brand.



Number of times your content has been started; includes multiple plays by the same person (duplicates) Content with Cover: When ‘Take Quiz’ button is clicked 

Content without Cover: When the respondent finishes the first component or touches somewhere on the first screen

Unique Visitors

Number of times your content has been started with duplicates removed, meaning multiple plays by the same person are counted as one time.


The ratio of respondents who completed your content to the end compared to the number of participants. Multiple plays by the same person are also included.

Avg. Duration

This is the average time from when the content is accessed (when the link is opened) to when the session ends (when the last reaction occurs). It can be understood as the time the content was played by respondents.

If a respondent puts the content in the background or perform another task while minimizing the browser window of the content before coming back, those time will be excluded from the session time.

Link Clicks

The number of clicks on the link button (CTA button) you inserted on the ending page. It includes multiple clicks by the same person (duplicates).

Unique Clicks

Number of clicks on the link (CTA button) with duplicates removed, meaning multiple clicks by the same person are counted as one click.


(Unique Clicks / Unique Visitors) * 100%Ratio of unique clicks to unique visitors.


Number of times your content was shared by clicking the ‘Share with friends’ buttons at the bottom of the cover page and the ending page.

Sharing by copying the content links will not be counted in ‘Shares’.

Unique Shares

Number of times your content was shared by clicking the ‘Share with friends’ buttons with duplicates removed, meaning multiple sharings by the same person are counted as one time.



You can see how many people entered through each referrer, how many of them completed your content, how much your content was shared, how many times the CTA link was clicked, and what the conversion rate is.

Referrer is identified only when the URL of the previous page is captured in one browser. If a respondent receives a link from the app and enters it, it will open a new browser. And since the initial URL of that browser is the content, it will not be identified as a referrer.

Direct: Extracted in cases such as ‘A respondent visited directly’ or ‘There was nothing on the previous page’ or ‘When the referrer tracking cannot be done, such as in privacy mode’.

Smore: Cases when a respondent enters by clicking the ‘Retake Quiz’ button at the ending page.


You can obtain data about the location of the respondent who played the content. You can view country-specific data at a glance. Also, hover your cursor over the map to check key indicators by country or region.

In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, the location data will be displayed only by country and region


In the Answer section, find out how respondents answered each component. It provides not only the percentage of respondents who chose each choice in a component but also the conversion rate for each choice. Thus, you can see which choice respondents selected for each component performed better in leading respondents to clicking the marketing button (CTA button) on the ending page.

By Ending

Check out respondents’ responses at a glance. For each response result, the number of respondents who participated/completed/shared and the conversion rate are provided, thus enabling you to check which respondents with a certain response result were more likely to convert.


You can check the content sharing status for each channel. Find out which channels our content is being shared the most.

Channels with the sharing button activated on the content’s ending page will appear as categories (aggregate items) in the chart

Link Clicks

If your content ending page includes a link button (CTA button), find out how many respondents clicked on the button.

If you have inserted multiple link buttons (CTA buttons), the number of clicks for each button will be displayed.
Table of contents