이번 아티클은


Here, you can check your respondents’ individual responses in detail. You can view all data related to the content including session time and inflow funnel.

Basic Tutorial

1️⃣ Field Sorting

You can sort each field in descending or ascending order by clicking on the header of each field. The sorting allows you to freely set the data in order of, for example, most recent, oldest, alphabetical, or most shared.

2️⃣ Preview & Copy each cell data

  • Preview: If you hover your mouse cursor over a cell, you can check the entire text in case the text has been cut off due to length.
  • Copy: If you click a cell, ‘Copy text’ button appears.

3️⃣Next Page

[Responses] tab shows up to 100 responses per page. If you click the arrow next to the ‘Responses’ title, you can freely move between multiple pages in case you receive more than 100 responses.

If you edit a component that already has a response, the response to the component before and after the revision will be recorded separately. Please check the newly added columns! An overwrite option when editing components with recorded responses will also be added in the future.

Download Data

Export All Data

Click [Export All] at the top-right corner of the ‘Responses’ section. Then, all data will be exported as an excel file.

Export Only Chosen Data

When you select the specific data you want to export using the checkbox on the far left of the response data table, a download button appears at the top-right corner. Click the download button to export the chosen data as an excel file.

If you have encrypted your data, you cannot open the encrypted file using the decompression software built into Windows. Use WinRAR to unzip it!

Delete Data

Want to delete specific data? When you select the data you want to delete using the checkbox on the far left of the response data table, a delete button will appear in the top-right corner. When you click the delete button, the data is deleted.

As soon as you delete a response data, the data is completely removed from the Smore server as well. Please be careful because once you delete a data, it can NEVER be recovered!!

Add Filter

Do you want to see data that has specific values in certain fields? If so, you can use the ‘Add new filter’ button just above the data table. You can select conditions for filters to extract data that matches the conditions.

How to add filter

  1. Click the [Add new filter] button just above the data table.
  2. Choose the field you want to apply a filter to.
  3. Select the condition for the filter.
  4. Select or enter the value you want to apply to the filter’s condition and click [Apply filter].
  5. Click the [Apply] button that appears on the top right! 🎉

Even if you add a new filter, filtering will not be applied unless you click the [Apply] button. Be sure to click the [Apply] button that appears once you add a new filter!

❔ Want to apply multiple filters at the same time? Try using the ‘+ Add AND filter’ or ‘+OR’. You can quickly check for responses that satisfy multiple conditions simultaneously. 

Edit or Delete Filter

Do you want to edit or delete the filter you added? If you hover the cursor over the filter you want to edit/delete, you can see the delete button and the edit button. 

After editing or deleting a filter, you must click the ‘Apply’ button. Changes will take effect after clicking the ‘Apply’ button.
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