이번 아티클은

Editing Style

You can set the overall style of the content, including its themes, fonts, and transition effects.

You can insert your brand logo at the top of the content. The inserted logo will be shown from the cover page to the question page. The logo blends smoothly into the survey, enabling for natural white labeling. This will bring a positive effect on survey participation and response completion rates.  ✨

  • How to insert: [Style]-[Edit Logo Image]-Upload Image
  • Recommended Image Size: 1:1 Ratio (400*400px) 8MB or less
If you upload your brand logo image, your content’s theme is set to an ‘automatic’ theme that automatically extracts the key color of your uploaded image and converts the background color and button color accordingly. If you do not like the automatic theme, you can always choose a different theme color. If you upload an image whose background has not been removed, the background color of your content will change to match the background color of the image.


You can choose the appearance of every button your respondents will click; ‘Start’ button on the cover page, choice buttons on multiple choice questions, and submit buttons. Apply a button curvature that best suits the atmosphere your company wants to convey or the purpose of the survey.

Color Themes

You can choose the overall theme of your content from a total of 15 color options. The colors of the content title, buttons, progress bar, and question number change. Also, Smore support dark mode for all themes.

Customize Colors

If you want to choose your own color or upload a separate background image, you can use the Customize colors. 

  • You can select a color from the color palette or enter your company’s color code and apply it as is.
  • You can upload a background image. By activating the ‘Blur’ or ‘Darken image’ button, you can design the background effects for the selected question in detail.
  • Recommended Image Size:  9:16 Ratio (720*1280px) 8MB or less


You can set the transition effect when moving to the next page.

  • Slide: Page switches if the user slides the content to the left.
  • Zoom: The content disappears by fading out, and then the next content appears by zooming in. 
  • Combined: The content fades out and then the next content appears from the right.


You can adjust fonts of every text within your content. All fonts provided are free fonts that can be used commercially. Smore will continue to update more fonts. 🙂

Table of contents