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Email Authentication for Data Access

Email authentication is designed to secure your account and data. If you would like to see your customer’s individual response data, please complete the additional authentication.

Email Authentication for Data Access

What is Email Authentication for?

When you try accessing the ‘Responses’ tab of the ‘Analytics’, an authentication code will be sent to the email address you signed up with. You must enter the code on the screen to view the data!

Deactivate Email Authentication

Is it inconvenient to receive the authentication code every time? Or did you not receive the authentication code email? 🤔

Well, there’s a simple way to turn off the authentication process!

  1. Go to [Settings]
  • Dashboard left-bottom [Settings]
  • Click dashboard right-top [Profile] > [Settings]

  1. Click [Security] on the left, and turn off [Analytics] Enable email authentication.

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