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Editing Ending Page

Ending page is a space where a company can comprehensively deliver the core message or content the company wants to convey as well as thank you notes. Make use of various functions and features to design your ending page in various ways.

Editing Ending Options

Make various use of ending options to add detail to your ending page. You can remove Smore branding or even allow users to share ending pages.

1️⃣ Randomize scores for equal answers

This is a function that randomly shows the respondent the result of either type A or B if type A and type B have a tie. If a tie occurs without this function activated, the ending page that is later in the creation environment among the pages with a tie will be displayed.

2️⃣Show restart button

A button that allows respondents to replay the content from the beginning will appear at the bottom of the ending page.

3️⃣Display customize preview images for ending pages - Standard

When a respondent shares the content after playing, that respondent’s ending page image is set as the shared thumbnail.

4️⃣ Allow users to share ending pages - Standard

This button allows the respondents to share their ending page itself after playing the content.

If you want to use the cover image as the SNS sharing thumbnail, turn off both the ‘Allow user to share ending pages’ and ‘Display customized preview images for ending pages’

5️⃣ Show all ending pages - Premium

<Show all ending pages> button is created at the bottom of the ending page, so you can check the titles of all ending pages created. The ending page titles are sorted in order of the most frequently generated results in real time. You can also see explanations of other results.

6️⃣ Remove Smore branding - Premium

You can hide both the ‘made with smore’ at the bottom of the cover page and the ending page and the [Create one yourself] button at the bottom of the ending page.

Share Setting

Ways to meet more customers! You can activate the sharing button to major SNS channels such as KakaoTalk, Facebook, X, and more.

Can be activated when subscribing to Standard Plan.


You can select the shareable channels you want to show. Shareable channels are Facebook, Facebook Messenger, X(Twitter), KakaoTalk, Line, WhatsApp, and Link Sharing. When you click on the shareable channel you want, a sharing button will appear at the bottom of the ending page.

2️⃣X(Twitter) hashtags customize

If you click on the X(Twitter) channel button, ‘X(Twitter) hashtags customize’ button appears. Try setting your own hashtags for the content you created. You can set up to 10 hashtags per content. 

3️⃣Share Image

This allows the respondents to save the ending page as an image and share that image with other apps. It is displayed only when an image is set.

Editing Ending Page

Ending page is an important space where you can express your sincerity to customers or encourage actions such as purchasing. Check out many functions and features that can make this ending page well-designed.

1️⃣ Text Editor

There are functions available that allow you to edit the text in the ending card as freely as possible. Bold, font family, font size, font color, and even emoticons! Apply each function appropriately to most effectively convey the massage your company wants to convey.

2️⃣ Insert Image

  • You can freely add your wanted image within the ending page.
  • You can create an image that takes the respondent to another site when clicked by linking to the image itself.

*Image link is a Standard Plan  feature.

3️⃣ Insert Youtube Video

Enter the link to the YouTube video you want to include in the ending page. You can also set the video start/end time.

  1. Please go to the YouTube video you want to insert.
  2. Please enter the URL starting with “https://www.youtube.com/watch” in the address bar of your wanted YouTube video into the [Youtube video link] input box.
  3. If you want to show only a portion of the video, enter the start time and end time.
⚠️ If you added your brand’s YouTube video but it does not appear, please follow the steps below.
  1. On the YouTube screen, click [Profile] in the upper right - Click 'Youtube Studio’.
  2. Click ‘Content’ on the left side menu and then click the title of the video you want to edit on the right side. 
  3. In the ‘Details’, scroll down to the bottom and click ‘SHOW MORE’. Then scroll down to ‘License’. Here, check the ‘Allow embedding.’

4️⃣ Insert Link Button (CTA Button)

Can be use when subscribing to Standard Plan

With the [Insert Link Button], you can add a CTA button. Create a natural touch point with your customer and effectively drive conversions!

  • Please enter the link you want to land on in ‘URL’ and the phrase you want to display in ‘Button Text.’. 
  • In the ‘Analytics’, you can check the click-through rate for each CTA button

-> [More Details]

⚠️If you want to edit the text or link of the Link Button, delete it and add a new one

5️⃣ Embed Page

The structure within the ending page can be divided into two columns. Each column can contain text and images. This is a useful function when you want to show multiple images efficiently, or when you want to show your content neatly organized in a table.

6️⃣ Insert Card

A white button-shaped card is added, and you can write whatever text you want in the card. It is suitable when the background image is not white. Text within the button-shaped card can also be modified with the text editor function.

7️⃣Embed webpage

Can be used when subscribing to Premium Plan.

If you enter the link of the web page you want to embed within the ending page, it will be embedded on your ending page. Respondents can take actions such as purchasing or signing up within the ending page without having to go to a separate page. Therefore, this is a feature that can effectively improve conversions. 🙂

8️⃣ Insert Score

If you click on the [Insert Score] button, a text {{ Quiz Score }} is inserted within the ending page. Quiz scores are presented by automatically converting the number of correct answers the respondent guessed.

However, since this feature only displays the numbers, it is recommended to add phrases such as ‘You have scored {{ Quiz Score }}!’ or ‘You got {{ Quiz Score }} questions correct!’

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