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Choose Project Type

What content will be most effective in communicating with your customers? Smore will tell you how to use each type of content.


Get to know your customers and employees more deeply by communicating with them through surveys, the start of VOC collection. A carefully made survey can be a starting point for building positive relationships and can also deliver sincere messages from your company.👏

💡It’s great to use for these purposes!

  • I’m curious about what our customers are currently feeling and experiencing.

  • I want to know how our current service should be improved.

  • I want to know what our customers’ strong needs are.

  • I want to know how engaged our employees are in their tasks.

  • I want to know our employees’ satisfaction in the company to create a better working environment.

🤔 Are you not sure how to create survey questions?

Smore provides various templates for ‘Customer survey’ such as <Customer Service Satisfaction Survey> and for ‘Employee survey’ such as <Employee Opinion Survey>. Refer to the question designs of each template, or simply use the template as is by changing only the company name!

Type Test

What is Type Test?

Type Testis a classification framework consisting of 4 pairs of opposing variables, thus resulting in up to 16 ending pages.

For content using type testlogic, the ending page is created by combining the variable that shows higher suitability to the respondent among the two conflicting variables. It will be easier to understand this concept if you think of the personality type quiz (MBTI) 🙂

💡It’s great to use for these purposes!

  • I want to create a personality type quiz.

  • I want to create a test that reinterprets personality types.
  • I want to design an ending page that combines conflicting variables.

  • The number of ending pages I want to show will be a multiple of 2.

🤔 How are Type Test and Match Quiz different?

The biggest difference between type test and match quiz is the variable settings on the ending page. Since type test combines variables to create result types, each variable must have contrasting tendencies. On the other hand, because match quizzes directly connect the choices and ending pages, it is not necessary for the ending pages to have contrasting tendencies.

Match Quiz

What is Match Quiz?

Match quiz is a test algorithm that assigns an ending page appropriate for each choice and presents the type most selected by the user as the ending page. When using type quiz, you can directly connect the choices and the ending pages.

💡It’s great to use for these purposes!

  • I want to connect a certain choice with an ending page.
  • The number of ending pages will be an odd number.
  • The ending pages don’t have contrasting tendencies.

T/F Quiz

Deliver information interactively based on T/F quizzes.

What is T/F Quiz?

‘True’ and ‘False’ are set for each choice, and the ending page is divided based on the number of questions answered correctly by the respondent. In other words, T/F Quiz is a test algorithm that allows you to set ‘True’ and ‘False’ options for each question.

💡It’s great to use for these purposes!

  • I want to create a quiz content that can be graded.
  • I want to convey difficult information in a fun and easy way.
  • I want to measure the understanding of our customers and users.

🤔 How are T/F Quiz and Score Quiz different?

In the T/F quiz, the respondent can only select a choice between ‘True’ and ‘False’ for each question. Thus, all questions have the same point in the T/F quiz. On the other hand, in the score quiz, you can set different points distribution for each choice. Also, the ‘Display correct answer immediately’ setting can only be used in T/F quizzes.

Score Quiz

If you want to show different ending pages depending on the total score, try using the Score Quiz logic. 

What is Score Quiz?

Different points are assigned to each choice, and the ending page is designed based on the total score obtained by the respondent. In other words, a score quiz is a test algorithm that can assign different scores depending on the level of difficulty, just like a regular test.

💡It’s great to use for these purposes!

  • I want to create a quiz content that can be graded.
  • I want to set the difficulty level differently for each question.
  • I want to convey difficult information in a fun and easy way.
  • I want to measure the understanding of our customers and users.

🤔 How are T/F Quiz and Score Quiz different?

In the score quiz, you can set different points distribution for each choice. On the other hand, in the T/F quiz, all questions have the same point since the respondent can only select a choice between ‘True’ and ‘False’ for each question.

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