이번 아티클은

Editing Components

Good conversations start with good questions. Learn about various question types and use features to add detail.

Basic Setting Functions

Check out basic setting functions such as layout or hide question number and improve your content’s completeness


You can select the overall layout of your component page.

1️⃣ Text Layout: The most basic layout with component pages consisting of only text.

2️⃣ Img/Video Layout: You can add images, GIFs, or videos to the component. Since it is not fixed to just one image/video, you can embed a different image or video for each component.

  • Image Insertsome text
    • Maximum Upload Size: 8MB
    • Recommended Image Size: 1280*720 
  • Video Insert (*Only available for YouTube Video)some text
    • Autoplay: You can set the YouTube video to play automatically when you reach a specific component page.
    • Set video start/end time: You can show the wanted portion of the video by setting the Start time (sec) and the End time (sec).
If the Img/Video Layout is used, the previously inserted logo disappears from the component page!

Allow return to previous question

Consider enabling the ‘Allow return to previous question’ feature so respondents playing your content can go back to the previous questions to check and edit their answers. If you allow the return, an arrow (<) will appear on the left side of the progress bar at the top of the component page.


We will introduce you each icon starting from the left.🙂

1️⃣ Hide Question Number

You can hide the number of your component.

2️⃣ Logic

You can set which component to move to based on the respondent’s choice. Detailed usage instructions can be found [Here].

3️⃣ Duplicate

You can duplicate the selected component card. The duplicated component card will be added right below the original card.

4️⃣ Style

You can set a different theme for each component. Detailed usage instructions can be found in [Component Design].

5️⃣Change component type

You can change the type of the component. The question content remains the same even if the type changes.

6️⃣ Delete

You can delete the component card. If you want to restore after deleting, press Ctrl+Z or click the ‘Undo’ button at the top right of the screen.

Component Types

Smore offers a total of 22 component types. Find out which component types best suit you and do better in asking your customers!

1. Plain Text

The plain text is a space where you can give simple instructions. Use the plain text when you give brief instructions before the start of a survey and when you need to change the survey topic in the middle of the survey 😀

2. Text Select

Respondents can select a button consisting of text. By hovering your mouse cursor over a text select button, you can add a new button or move or delete an existing button.

  • When 5 or more text select buttons are added, an arrow appears at the bottom of the component card indicating scrolling is available to see the unseen buttons.
  • Respondents cannot move on to the next component unless they click a text select button.

3. Image Select

Respondents can select a button consisting of an image. By hovering your mouse cursor over an image select button, you can add a new button or move or delete an existing button.

  • PNG, JPG, GIF files are all supported.
  • Maximum Upload Size: 8MB (Regardless of pixels)
  • Recommended Image Size: 400*400
  • When 5 or more image select buttons are added, an arrow appears at the bottom of the component card indicating scrolling is available to see the unseen buttons.
  • Respondents cannot move on to the next component unless they click an image select button.

4. Short Answer

This type is suitable for receiving short text such as name or ID or simple written answers. 

  • You can edit the ‘Enter your answer here’ (placeholder) within the text input box.
  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the text input boxsome text
    • Setting: You can set the component to be ‘Required’
    • Validation: You can set the MIN / MAX characters
    • Terms: If personal information is collected through this component, the terms and conditions / privacy policy agreement can be displayed at the bottom of the screen. You can also edit the details of the terms and conditions.

5. Email Address

Respondents can enter their email address. The input box automatically checks the entered text so that only Emails can be entered.

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the email address input boxsome text
    • Setting: You can set the component to be ‘Required’
    • Terms: The terms and conditions / privacy policy agreement can be displayed at the bottom of the screen. You can also edit the details of the terms and conditions.

6. Phone Number

This type collects phone numbers from respondents. The input box automatically checks the entered text so that only phone numbers can be entered. You can select various country codes.

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the phone number input boxsome text
    • Settingsome text
      • You can set the component to be ‘Required’
      • You can allow the user to change the country code.
      • Terms: The terms and conditions / privacy policy agreement can be displayed at the bottom of the screen. You can also edit the details of the terms and conditions.

7. Date

Respondents can select a date. You can use this type when you want to request a specific date, such as a reservation date or consultation date, from the respondent through your content.

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the date input boxsome text
    • Setting: You can set the component to be ‘Required’
    • Validation: You can set limits for the input field by setting the ‘date range from’ and ‘date range until.’

8. Time

This type collects the accurate time from respondents. The type supports AM / PM, and down to the minute. 

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the time input boxsome text
    • Setting: You can set the component to be ‘Required’
    • Validation: You can set limits for the input field by setting the ‘Time range from’ and ‘Time range until.’

9. Number

This is a type where only numbers can be entered. Use this type for purposes such as asking the respondent’s age or the number of products the respondent wants to order.

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the number input boxsome text
    • Setting: You can set the component to be ‘Required’
    • Validation:  You can set the MIN / MAX value.

10. Dropdown

This is a type that presents choices in a dropdown format. When there are many choices, using a dropdown type instead of text select type allows respondents to select a choice much more neatly and intuitively.

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the dropdown input boxsome text
    • Setting some text
      • You can set the component to be ‘Required’
      • You can shuffle the dropdown items randomly or sort them alphabetically

11. Rating

This is a useful type when asking respondents about their level of satisfaction or recommendation. You can create a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 10 rating buttons.

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the ratingsome text
    • You can change the rating shape into various shapes such as heart, bulb, medal, pencil, thumbs up, or flag.
    • Settingsome text
      • You can set the component to be ‘Required’
      • You can display numbers below the rating buttons.

12. Scale

This type is suitable for asking respondents about satisfaction or recommendation in a broader range.You can set the scale from 0 to 99, and you can add labels to the left and right ends.

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the scalesome text
    • Settingsome text
      • You can set the component to be ‘Required’
      • You can set an animation of fireworks exploding to be played when the respondent selects a perfect score (100%)

13. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS is an indicator that measures how much a customer recommends your service to their acquaintances. With NPS, you can find out the customer’s loyalty to your service and brand. The NPS button is automatically set between 0 and 10 points, and the label text on both ends can be modified.

For PCs with ample width, the button is automatically converted to a block format. For mobile devices, it is automatically converted to a gauge format.

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the NPSsome text
    • Settingsome text
      • You can set the component to be ‘Required’
      • You can set an animation of fireworks exploding to be played when the respondent selects a perfect score (100%)

14. Slider

This type is useful when asking respondents about their level of satisfaction or recommendation. The button is automatically set between 0 and 100%, and label texts can be added on both ends. Furthermore, you can freely change the emoticon of the part where the respondent clicks.

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the slidersome text
    • Settingsome text
      • You can set the component to be ‘Required’
      • You can display a number under the slider.
      • You can set an animation of fireworks exploding to be played when the respondent slides to a perfect score (100%)

15. Single Choice + Other input

This type is a multiple-choice question with only a single choice allowed. ‘Other’ can also be added to the choice. You can have slightly more choices on one screen than with the text select type.

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the choicessome text
    • Settingsome text
      • You can set the component to be ‘Required’
      • You can add “Other” input.

16. Multiple Choice + Other input

This type is a multiple-choice question with multiple choices allowed. ‘Other’ can also be added to the choice. And you can limit the number of choices.

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the choicessome text
    • Settingssome text
      • You can set the component to be ‘Required’
      • You can add “Other” input.
      • You can choose to show a warning message when the number of choices is limited.
    • Validation: You can limit the number of choices that a respondent can make.

17. Paragraph

This type is suitable when receiving relatively long written responses such as respondent’s honest opinions or feedback.

  • You can edit the ‘Enter your paragraph here’ (placeholder) within the text input box.
  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the text input boxsome text
    • Setting: You can set the component to be ‘Required’
    • Validation: You can set MIN / MAX characters.
    • Terms: If personal information is collected through this component, the terms and conditions / privacy policy agreement can be displayed at the bottom of the screen. You can also edit the details of the terms and conditions.

18. URL

Respondents can enter a URL. This type is suitable when you need to receive a portfolio link or check a specific web page. The input box automatically checks the entered text so that only URLs can be entered.

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the URL input boxsome text
    • Setting: You can set the component to be ‘Required’
    • Terms: The terms and conditions / privacy policy agreement can be displayed at the bottom of the screen. You can also edit the details of the terms and conditions.

19.  File Upload

The uploadable file size per File Upload type component varies depending on the subscribing plan
Free-5MB / Essential-10MB / Standard-20MB / Premium-50MB

The respondent can upload various types of files, from images to videos and compressed files. You can also restrict the type of file that can be uploaded.

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the file upload buttonsome text
    • Settingsome text
      • You can select the file type that can uploaded
      • You can set the component to be ‘Required’
    • Terms: The terms and conditions / privacy policy agreement can be displayed at the bottom of the screen. You can also edit the details of the terms and conditions.

20. Grid

This type allows you to insert a table into a component. It is an intuitive way to receive responses with a combination of columns and rows. This can be useful when you need to select the date and time at the same time.

  • If you click the gear wheel to the right of the row and column input boxsome text
    • Settingsome text
      • You can set the component to be ‘Required’
      • You can require all rows to be selected 
      • You can allow multiple selection so that a respondent can check multiple boxes per row or per column.
You can check the responses more intuitively in the response data sheet by using the day of the week in the rows and the time in the columns 🙂

21. Legal

A legal card is a card used in situations where consent is required, such as privacy policy and terms of use. You can freely edit the terms of use and freely modify the text for the ‘I accept’ and ‘Do not accept’ buttons.

You can turn on and off the [Required] switch under the terms and conditions field. If you turn on the switch, the respondent cannot proceed to the next component if the respondent does not agree to the terms and conditions. If you turn off the switch, the respondent can proceed to the next component without having to agree to the terms and conditions.

Component Design

Well-designed questions can lower bounce rates. Smore will tell you how to design question cards in various ways.

Inserting Background Image

You can add a background image to a specific component card.

  • How?: Top right corner of the component [Palette icon] - [Customize style for this component] switch on - [Upload background image]

Maximum Upload Size: 8MB (Regardless of pixels)

Recommended Image Size: 720*1280(9:16)

Changing Theme Color

If you want to avoid all components being presented with the same feeling, you can freely change the theme color of a specific component to give a twist to the atmosphere. It is also effective when you want to emphasize a specific component.

  • How?: Top right corner of the component [Palette icon] - [Customize style for this component] switch on - [Accent color], [Background color] selectsome text
    • Accent color: Color of progress bar, component number, button, and more
    • Background color: Color of the component’s background

Design Text Style

If you drag any text in the question section and the answer section, a text editor will pop up. Try delivering specific phrases effectively by setting font bold or changing font colors. 

Logic for Each Format

Learn how to set up question-ending page logic for each format

Type Test

Step 1. Create variables

In order to create the options and results of a type test, you must first decide the number of variable pairs. Instead of having to create 16 results, you can only consider the specific pairs you want to deal with among E/I, S/N, T/F, and J/P. If what you want to focus on is the difference between T and F (two result values), you only need to select one card called T/F. Therefore, choose 1 card for 2 results, 2 cards for 4 results, 3 cards for 8 results, and 4 cards for 16 results!

Step 2  Create and design components

Freely create and design components. If you are not sure how to do so, click on the small dice icon on the top right corner of the component card. A random component from Smore’s component database will appear.

Step 3. Assign variables to choices

Create choices of the component and connect each choice to a variable. If you click on the white button within the choice, the variable window will open.

Step 4. Created and design ending pages

If you go to the ending page, you can check the pre-generated ending pages. If you initially selected 1 variable card, you can see that 2 ending pages each containing one alphabet are created. If you initially selected 4 variable cards, you can see that 16 ending pages each consisting of 4 alphabets are created.

Descriptions for each ending page that can help with planning are set on the ending page. When you’re wondering what should be included on the ending page for each personality type, just refer to the preset descriptions and modify as you want! 🎉

Match Quiz

Step 1. Create ending pages

In order to connect an ending page to a choice, you must first create a title for each type that will be connected to a choice in the Ending tab. In other words, the ending pages must be created first before creating the choices. You can easily write the details of each ending page after creating and designing the component page.

Step 2  Assign ending pages to choices

Choices that have not yet been assigned an ending page (type) are displayed as ‘(None)’. Click the ‘(None)’ button within the choice and assign the desired ending page. It is also possible to assign multiple ending pages (types) to one choice.

Step 3. Weighting (Optional)

If you want to show the ending page (type) A with a higher probability to respondents who click on a specific choice, you can set a weight on the ending page associated with that choice.

Step 4. Ending Options (Optional)

If you activate the ‘Randomize scores for equal answers’ in the Ending tab, the ending page of either A or B can be shown to the user at random even if the scores of Type A and Type B are tied. If a tie occurs without this function activated, the ending page that is later in the creation environment among the pages with a tie will be displayed. For example, the ending pages are in the order of C, B, A from the top, but if all scores are tied, A will be displayed as the ensign page.

T/F Quiz

Step 1. Create and design choices

  • Click the white button within the choice and set the choice as ‘True’ or ‘False’. You can set multiple choices as ‘True.’ (However, multiple choice is not currently supported by Smore in T/F Quiz, and the component is considered correct even if the respondent chooses only one of the choices marked as correct)
  • If you activate ‘Display correct answers immediately’ in the Components tab, the respondent can immediately check whether the respondent’s answers are correct or incorrect.

Step 2  Create and design ending pages

  • Choose Score Range

On the Ending page section of the Ending tab, freely choose the score range using the ‘Choose Score Range’ button on the far left of the ending page that says ‘0~N’

  • Auto Adjust (Optional)

If an error message appears in the score section or you want to adjust the interval between scores evenly, you can solve this by pressing the ‘Auto adjust’ button on the Ending page section of the Ending tab.

  • Insert Score (Optional)

If you want the respondent’s score to appear on the ending page, try using the insert score feature. If you click on the [Insert Score] button located at the very end of the editor window on each ending page, a text {{ Quiz Score }} is inserted within the ending page. Quiz scores are presented by automatically converting the number of correct answers the respondent guessed. However, since this feature only displays the numbers, it is recommended to add phrases such as ‘You have scored {{ Quiz Score }}!’ or ‘You got {{ Quiz Score }} questions correct!’

Score Quiz

Step 1. Create choices

Click the white circle button within the choice to set the score for each difficulty level. By assigning different scores to each choice, you can set multiple choices as the correct answer.

Step 2 Create and design ending pages

  • Choose Score Range

On the Ending page section of the Ending tab, freely choose the score range using the ‘Choose Score Range’ button on the far left of the ending page that says ‘0~N’

  • Auto Adjust (Optional)

If an error message appears in the score section or you want to adjust the interval between scores evenly, you can solve this by pressing the ‘Auto adjust’ button on the Ending page section of the Ending tab.

  • Insert Score (Optional)

If you want the respondent’s score to appear on the ending page, try using the insert score feature. If you click on the [Insert Score] button located at the very end of the editor window on each ending page, a text {{ Quiz Score }} is inserted within the ending page. Quiz scores are presented by automatically converting the number of correct answers the respondent guessed. However, since this feature only displays the numbers, it is recommended to add phrases such as ‘You have scored {{ Quiz Score }}!’ or ‘You got {{ Quiz Score }} questions correct!’

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