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How to Use Smore

Here are some awesome ways to use Smore to revolutionize your customer experience.

Feedback Surveys

A company’s true growth begins with the voices of its customers and employees. Create a customer survey or HR survey with Smore and get sincere and reliable feedback!

Surveys are not simply a tool for checking quantitative data on satisfaction, but also an opportunity for true communication. By actively taking advantage of such aspects and enhancing your company’s service based on the voices of your customers and employees, your company will definitely be loved for a long time 😀.

Survey Question Design Tips

✅ Place question types that can collect quantitative data, such as Rating, Scaling, or MulTipsle choice, at the front of the survey. Such question types that can be answered with ease can reduce the pressure on respondents and prevent churn during the survey.

✅ The core of survey is ‘Communication.’ Therefore, you MUST add short/long answer questions where the respondent can freely give additional opinion when answering the survey. Such practice can help you discover customer’s emotions and opinions that were previously unknown, thus leading to a strong insight that can enhance your service greatly.

Ending Page Design Tips

✅Stop using simple closing comments such as ‘Thank you’ or ‘Your response has been successfully submitted’! Such comments can make the survey look effortless in the end for those who spared their precious time to complete the survey. Based on our deep understanding of customer experience, SMORE provides various functions and features that enable visually-satisfying ending page design that is shown when the survey is submitted. Make full use of these functions and features to express the message you want to convey to your customers.

✅Since ending page is a space where a company can comprehensively deliver the message or content the company wants to convey and also a screen which the respondents share on SNS or external sites, it must be well designed! One practice can be first designing the ending page in a fun and witty way as a whole and then adding a CTA (call-to-action) button that users want to click. Visually designing a page with images and videos is another great practice you can try. All such practice will undoubtedly help improve the conversion rate.


With Smore, you can create various forms such as job application form, competition application form, or even ordering form. With Smore, you can quickly create templates that will increase the work efficiency in various situations such as reservation, application, feedback, estimation, subscription, or hiring. ⚡

Smore also provides templates that can be used right away to suit various situations.

-> Browse Smore templates

Form Question Design Tips

✅ Form should be able to receive accurate data from the respondents. Therefore, try actively using ‘Placeholder’! Placeholder is a short help text embedded within the text field where the respondent has to enter. For respondents, placeholders help them to answer questions more intuitively. For companies, placeholders make the collection and management of response data easier as responses are likely to be in consistent format!

✅Use email address input card or phone number input card that Smore pre-created if you need to receive email address or phone number through form. As both the email address input card and phone number input card automatically review the entered text field, no data other than those in the format of email address and phone number will appear in the response data. Also, as the format of the incoming data will be consistent, it will be much easier to manage and use the collected response data. 

Ending Page Design Tips

✅ Stop using simple closing comments such as ‘Thank you’ or ‘Your response has been successfully submitted’! Such comments can make the survey look effortless in the end for those who spared their precious time to complete the survey. Based on our deep understanding of customer experience, SMORE provides various functions and features that enable visually-satisfying ending page design that is shown when the survey is submitted. Make full use of these functions and features to express the message you want to convey to your customers.


Type tests and quizzes created with Smore can be used in marketing or offline campaigns! From recommending products to attracting new and potential customers and promoting products, Smore type tests and quizzes can be used in various ways to improve campaign performance! Such interactive contents not only enable you to interact with your customers in entertaining ways but also helps you to effectively convey your company’s values and messages to the customers and even accumulate customer data. 🎉

Question Design Tips 

✅ Rather than writing a question like ‘What do you think about A?’, try structuring your question in a storytelling format to achieve high engagement from your respondents! If you tell your story in a conversational format so that respondents can read the story while naturally projecting themselves into the story rather than being presented with sentences unilaterally, the immersion and interest the respondents have in the test increases and the chance of them dropping out during the test greatly reduces. Thus, it is more likely that the respondents give more authentic responses to your tests.

✅ If you have previously conducted a test or survey, use Smore’s ‘Drop-off rate’ function to find out which questions caused a particularly high number of respondents to drop out during your test or survey. With this function, you can clearly see what needs to be improved to become a better content. Perhaps you can change the difficulty level of the questions or adjust the order or length of the questions.

Ending Page Tips

✅Since ending page is a space where a company can comprehensively deliver the message or content the company want to convey and also a screen which the respondents share on SNS or external sites, it must be well designed! One practice can be first designing the ending page in a fun and witty way as a whole and then adding a CTA (call-to-action) button that users want to click. Visually designing a page with images and videos is another great practice you can try. All such practice will undoubtedly help improve the conversion rate.

Ending Page Usage Tips

✅Plan an event where customers can enjoy a variety of content!

Try using the ending page you created in a variety of ways, such as holding an event to authenticate the ending page itself or creating other contents or goods using the design resources within the ending page! By using the ending page in a variety of ways from a broader perspective, customers can experience more diverse enjoyment. And when the customers find out that various events are actually well-connected with each other, they will realize that the company’s planning is very rich.

[Curious about actual use cases of Smore?]

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