이번 아티클은


Check out the final setting steps for distributing the completed content.


You can set your content’s language, access, and hidden field.

Language Setting

You can make a translation of your selection content. Currently, Smore supports Japanese / Chinese (Traditional) / Chinese (Simplified) / English / French / Spanish / Russian / German / Thai.

System language such as Analyzing, Retake Quiz, Share with friends are translated in the translation. You must change the other text yourself!


You can set whether your content will be Public or Private. If you want to end collecting responses or end test participations, please make your content Private!

  • Public:  Respondents can play your content through the channels where you distributed your content.
  • Private: The content is inaccessible. Only the creator is accessible.

Hidden Field

Hidden Field

Data Matching can be used when subscribing to Premium Plan!

What is Hidden Field?

This is a function that allows you to create and distribute URLs for each respondent. Even if the respondents do not enter their name or personal information, the respondent is automatically identified and recorded as that respondent in the response data. 

When should you use the Hidden Field feature? 🤔

  • When it is cumbersome to cross-match respondent information one by one.
  • When you want to increase the response completion rate by omitting components related to the respondent’s basic information such as name or phone number.

How to use

✅ You must have existing customer / respondent data.

✅ You need to use a separate mailing service.

Case 1. Sending to a few people

1️⃣[Publishing] tab - [Hidden Field] section

2️⃣Freely enter any information you would like to identify, such as user ID or phone number, or select from the ‘Suggestions.’

3️⃣ Click the share button at the top right of the [Hidden Field] section. Enter the customer / respondent data you want to send in [Values]. Then, just copy the generated link and distribute it!

Case 2. Sending to a large number of people

1️⃣[Publishing] tab - [Hidden Field] section

2️⃣Freely enter any information you would like to identify, such as user ID or phone number, or select from the ‘Suggestions.’

3️⃣Create a copy of [this sheet].

4️⃣ In the [Data Matching Generator] tab, paste the copied link into the first row of the [Smore Content Link] column. This will automatically copy the same links to the remaining rows.

5️⃣ Please enter variable titles such as user_id under variable column headers 1 to 4.

  • The variable titles in the sheet must be exactly the same as the variables’ name you chose at the [Hidden Field] section in the Publishing tab.
  • You must fill in from the first variable column
  • Even if you only want to use two variables, you should NOT delete the third and fourth variable columns. You can just leave the rows under the third and fourth variable blank.

6️⃣ Under each variable, enter the variable data. For example, under user_id column, you can enter the customer /respondent’s ID or a combination of numbers and letters.

7️⃣ Links based on the entered variable data are automatically created in the rightmost [Individual Links Created] column. Just send the link to each customer through an email sender, etc., and you’re done! 🎉

8️⃣ Once a response is received after sending, it will appear in the [Analytics] as shown below.

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