이번 아티클은


Since your customers’ personal information is involved, Smore has made thorough preparations to ensure that you can use it with confidence.


How is the response data stored? 🤔

Basically, response data is stored on the Smore server. But no one, including Smore executives and employees, has access to the creator’s data. In addition, Smore safely manages your data in the following ways.

1️⃣ All personal data is asymmetrically encrypted.

2️⃣ Validation is also set in the internal DB to neutralize hacking attempts to collect additional information from the front end.

3️⃣ All communication transitions are managed through CloudFlare, which shows the world’s highest security level. Therefore, it is safe from DDoS and hacking attacks.

⚠️ As soon as you delete response data from Analytics, the data is also completely removed from Smore server. In other words, once you delete data, it can NEVER be recovered, so please be careful!

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