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Setting Layout

You can choose the ending page layout between Card, Flat, Tall, Contents Only, or URL Redirect.


This is a layout that allows you to insert content in the form of a card below the ending page inserted image. A natural shadow is created behind the card, creating a more immersive experience.

Maximum Upload Size: 8MB (Regardless of pixels)

Recommended Image Size: 1000*1000


This is a layout that allows you to place content in a neatly divided manner under the ending page inserted image. If you want to show the ending image without cutting off parts, a flat layout is suitable.

Maximum Upload Size: 8MB (Regardless of pixels)

Recommended Image Size: 1000*1000


This is a layout that emphasizes the content while inserting the image relatively small.

⚠️ This is a layout with minimal left and right margins. Thus, if you center the text, you can design the body more neatly.

Maximum Upload Size: 8MB (Regardless of pixels)

Recommended Image Size: 1280*720 (16:9)

Contents Only

This is a layout that can be composed of only the content without any additional images, or with images as long as you want.

Inserting a long thumbnail can cause the image to be cut off when shared to external channels. Thus, if you select the ‘Contents Only’ layout, there is a button to set the share thumbnail separately.

Maximum Upload Size: 8MB (Regardless of pixels)

Recommended Image Size: 1000*1000(1:1)

URL Redirect

💡Can be activated when subscribing to Standard Plan.

This is a layout that allows respondents to go directly to the desired website without going to the ending page when they complete their submission. It is effective when you need to reliably encourage purchase conversion by linking to a purchase site, or when you need to draw out additional action after submitting a response. 🙂

Table of contents